Atomic Beat is a television production company born in Barcelona and specialized in the creation of all types of audiovisual content formed by a group of professionals with extensive experience in the communication sector.
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We like to create all kinds of formats at an atomic pace: entertainment, fiction, documentary, shows. We don’t care about support. Creativity, like good players, fits anywhere. And we do everything with a point of view, with originality and with approaches that move away from what is common. Curiosity is our main driving force.
We offer you a wide range of audiovisual services, including content production for television, radio, video podcasts, contests, reality shows and documentaries.. Des del plantejament de la idea inicial fins a la postproducció.
We specialize in genres such as fiction , humor , entertainment and popularization.. Creem guions originals i creatius per captivar a l’audiència i transmetre missatges de manera efectiva.
From the perspective of branded content, we create integrated content with brands to connect with consumers in an authentic and meaningful way .
Our focus on social media content ensures a powerful digital presence , putting on the table strategies adapted to each audience and specific platform .
We connect with the audience in a close and entertaining way, offering company with a touch of humor and a current perspective . We like to discuss topics spontaneously, creating programs that invite you to listen and reflect with a smile .
We innovate with formats that captivate and entertain, with programs that connect with the audience through conversations, live interaction and content that is intensely experienced. We like to create spaces that offer a close and entertaining experience .
We seek unique stories told with freshness and authenticity. We like to explore varied themes, offering a listening experience that is engaging and surprising , always with a narrative that is close and full of personality.
We delve into real stories with a careful and captivating look. We seek to convey authenticity and proximity , offering content that informs, excites and leaves a mark on the viewer .
Posa’t en contacte amb nosaltres per materialitzar les teves idees en realitat audiovisual i aconseguir projectes innovadors adaptats a les teves necessitats i objectius. T’ajudem a crear contingut únic i diferencial que connecti amb la teva audiència!
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