In the afternoons of “La selva” anything can happen! Xavier Grasset hosts this space of interviews, current affairs and curiosities with exceptional collaborators. For an hour and a half, this warm café surrounded by fauna is the ideal place to recharge your batteries after work. Entertainment is the main ingredient of this talk show with collaborators but without socializing or daily political focus. With an informal tone, we chat in a relaxed and free way and review what is happening around us. We talk about daily life, viral topics, sports, society or culture. And we do it with guests, with testimonial interviews and with the participation of the audience. There is also room for competitions and live connections throughout the territory.
Crèdits: Xavier Grasset i Foraster, Joan Rufas, Xavier Sanjuan, Trinidad Manzanares, Roser Sancho, Sílvia Vinardell, Cristian Trepat, Mario Daza, Josep Arderiu, Marta Euras, Montse Tió, Laura Garriga, Anna Januhé, Chusa Martínez, Lorena Masa, Ferran Aragó, Elisabet Díaz, Pau Torres, Marc Ferragut, Núria Martínez, Ester Pagès, Maria Xinxó, Olímpia Capellades, Arale Prat, Albert Vico, Xavier Dávila, Arnau Mas, Roger Tort, Roger Comella, Carla Sabarich, Josep Tió, Mariona Pons, Quim Jaumà, Míriam Alemany, Arnau Abadal, Maria Josep Ceniceros, Esther Quesada, Anna Muixí, David Roca, Francesc Casterás