Atomic Beat is a television production company born in Barcelona and specialized in the creation of all types of audiovisual content formed by a group of professionals with extensive experience in the communication sector.
We create innovative audiovisual content for television , radio and digital media , specializing in audiovisual production, scriptwriting , branded content , fiction, television, radio and podcasts.. El nostre catàleg inclou humor , entertainment , talent shows , contests , documentaries and reality shows .
We have produced radio and television programs such as “Zona Franca”, “La tarda de Catalunya Ràdio” and podcasts such as “Misteris, o no?” and “Múltiples Personalitats” , with TV3, Catalunya Ràdio and 3Cat.
Journalist and audiovisual producer . Founder and director of Atomic Beat. Specialized in the creation and sale of journalistic and entertainment formats, the management of human teams and the successful execution of projects. In favor of intuition, empathy and imagination.
Screenwriter, executive producer and director . He has worked for producers such as Gestmusic, El Terrat, Lavinia, among others. And he has contributed his talent to various television, radio and XXSS programs and content such as Operación Triunfo, Los mejores años, Buscant La Trinca… Creative of all types of formats with special interest in Fiction and Entertainment.
Screenwriter, director and audiovisual producer with more than 25 years of experience in the sector. He has worked for some of the most prestigious production companies in the country. Programs such as Buenafuente (La Sexta), El roast de España (Comedy Central) or This Is Philosophy (La2) bear his stamp. In addition to his professional dedication, he teaches classes and lectures at universities, professional schools and companies on audiovisual narrative, storytelling, humor and leadership. He is also the author of a dozen books, most of which have been published by the Planeta publishing house.
Posa’t en contacte amb nosaltres per materialitzar les teves idees en realitat audiovisual i aconseguir projectes innovadors adaptats a les teves necessitats i objectius. T’ajudem a crear contingut únic i diferencial que connecti amb la teva audiència!
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