
Això no va de futbol

A story of friendship, commitment and family that tells how football has become a tool for social cohesion within a municipality.
Through the Arbúcies Football Club, the dreams and disappointments of the 6,000 inhabitants of this valley at the foot of Montseny are shown. A town where the economic engine is the bodywork industry, with a very high rate of immigration, and which now lives with enthusiasm the new sports and social project of the football team, led by the popular comedian Fel Faixedas and his board of directors. “Això no va de futbol” is a 3Cat production, produced by Atòmic Beat and Cal Tet Produccions.
Emssió: TV3, “Sense ficció”
Any de producció: 2024
Gènere: No ficció
Crèdits: Robert Molist, Dani Sancho, Jordi Rovira, Fel Faixedas, Joan Rufas, Sílvia Pairó Vila, Roser Gispert Lafuente, Dani Sancho, Neil Murphy, Edu de Soto, Adrià Pifarré.

La Selva

“La selva” is a café full of fauna and a meeting point where entertainment and humor connect with current events.
In the afternoons of “La selva” anything can happen! Xavier Grasset hosts this space of interviews, current affairs and curiosities with exceptional collaborators. For an hour and a half, this warm café surrounded by fauna is the ideal place to recharge your batteries after work. Entertainment is the main ingredient of this talk show with collaborators but without socializing or daily political focus. With an informal tone, we chat in a relaxed and free way and review what is happening around us. We talk about daily life, viral topics, sports, society or culture. And we do it with guests, with testimonial interviews and with the participation of the audience. There is also room for competitions and live connections throughout the territory.
Emssió: TV3 and 3Cat (on air)
Any de producció: 2024
Temporades: 1
Gènere: Actualitat | Divulgació | Entreteniment | Humor
Crèdits: Xavier Grasset i Foraster, Joan Rufas, Xavier Sanjuan, Trinidad Manzanares, Roser Sancho, Sílvia Vinardell, Cristian Trepat, Mario Daza, Josep Arderiu, Marta Euras, Montse Tió, Laura Garriga, Anna Januhé, Chusa Martínez, Lorena Masa, Ferran Aragó, Elisabet Díaz, Pau Torres, Marc Ferragut, Núria Martínez, Ester Pagès, Maria Xinxó, Olímpia Capellades, Arale Prat, Albert Vico, Xavier Dávila, Arnau Mas, Roger Tort, Roger Comella, Carla Sabarich, Josep Tió, Mariona Pons, Quim Jaumà, Míriam Alemany, Arnau Abadal, Maria Josep Ceniceros, Esther Quesada, Anna Muixí, David Roca, Francesc Casterás

Zona Franca

An irreverent and risky late show for the most nocturnal time slot on television, presented by Danae Boronat.
The program has the classic late show structure: monologue, interviews and the presence of collaborators. It also features the first female band in a late night and the presence of the audience on the set. “Zona franca” is a TV3 production with the collaboration of Atomic Beat Media. Joel Díaz was the presenter during the first stage of the program and, later, followed by the journalist Danae Boronat.
Emssió: TV3
Any de producció: 2022
Temporades: 1
Gènere: Entreteniment | Humor | Sàtira

Misteris, o no?

Sebastià d’Arbó discovers creepy stories and incredible facts in a podcast of paranormal humor, with Fran Domènech and Pau Torres.
A podcast for brave listeners, dedicated to the humorous analysis of paranormal events and creepy stories, led by professor Sebastià d’Arbó and screenwriters Fran Domènech and Pau Torres. It includes interviews with specialists and even people who have experienced the phenomenon in question firsthand. We open the professor’s encyclopedia of mysteries to review some of its pages and break down, step by step, everything that neither science nor common sense have been able to explain, following the trail of ghosts, demonic possessions, black magic, UFOs and extraterrestrial life.
Emssió: 3cat
Any de producció: 2021
Temporades: 2 (15 episodes per season)
Gènere: Entreteniment | Humor
Crèdits: Sebastià d’Arbó, Fran Domènech, Pau Torres, Joan Rufas, Elisabet Soler and Matilde Seoane.

Múltiples Personalitats

The video podcast in which Juanra Bonet and David Fernàndez show their multiple personalities and discover those of their guests.
“Múltiples Personalitats” is the video podcast in which Juanra Bonet and David Fernández show their multiple personalities and discover those of their guests. In each episode, the comedians interview a guest, through conversations filled with comedy and quirky invented characters. The essence of the format is to make people laugh and, at the same time, show listeners the processes necessary to achieve humor that always remain hidden: choosing a joke, choosing a tone of voice, building a hilarious personality… An idea that gives innovative value to all those who enjoy comedy but have never seen how it is constructed.
Emssió: Catalunya Ràdio and 3Cat
Any de producció: 2023
Temporades: 1 (20 episodes per season)
Gènere: Entreteniment | Humor
Crèdits: Juanra Bonet, David Fernández, Joan Rufas, Christian Serrano, Oriol Jara, Adrià Serra, Santi Faro, Santi Suárez, Elisabet Soler, Rut Queralt, Helena Valés, Carolina Sánchez, Inma Bono, Maiol Saura, David Pérez (Idea Sonora), Natalia Remón (Sound Idea), Àlix Aguilar (Sound Idea)

La Tarda de Catalunya Ràdio

Elisenda Carod presents “La tarda de Catalunya Ràdio”, a program that reviews topics that are of interest, above all, to the street. Current affairs and outreach, with very different stories.
In “La tarda de Catalunya Ràdio”, with Elisenda Carod, everything happens and we have fun explaining it to you. Three hours of company in which, without realizing it, you will be very clear about where your day is going and, what’s more, you will have laughed for a while. Every day, from 4 to 7 p.m., on the national radio of Catalonia.
Emssió: Catalunya Ràdio
Any de producció: 2021
Temporades: 3
Gènere: Actualitat | Divulgació | Entreteniment
Crèdits: Elisenda Carod, Xavi Escuder, Mireia Dalmau, Gerard López, Fran Domènech, Anna Ayala, Montse Barcon, Alan Lillo, Ester Vallès and Carlos Baraibar, Dolors Juanola, David Bueno, Fran López and Enric Vidal